Monday, March 4, 2013
3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Wrigley Hall, Room 481
Arizona State University, Tempe campus
Please join Arizona State University's Global Institute of Sustainability as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 Administrator Jared Blumenfeld presents ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network with the EPA’s Environmental Award for Green Government.
This award recognizes programs that promote collaboration, cost-savings, and sharing of best practices with other governmental organizations. Share in the success of the Sustainable Cities Network at the award presentation.
As former director of San Francisco’s Department of the Environment, Jared Blumenfeld focused on environmental-justice issues, working with residents and businesses, other city agencies, nonprofit organizations, and community groups to promote air quality, food availability, renewable-energy systems, sustainable land use, and greenhouse gas reduction. He joined the U.S. EPA in 2010.
Parking is available at the Fulton Center garage on the northeast corner of University and College Avenue. Your ticket can be validated at the event.
RSVP here: http://sustainability.asu.edu/events/rsvp/epa-green-government-award.
For directions and parking, please visit: http://sustainability.asu.edu/about/contact/directions-and-parking.php.
Read the official EPA and ASU press release.