How affectionate are you?

Rate each of the following statements on a scale of 1 to 7. A score of 1 means you don’t agree at all; a score of 7 means you agree a great deal.

  1. I consider myself to be a very affectionate person.
  2. I am always telling my loved ones how much I care about them.
  3. When I feel affection for someone, I usually express it.
  4. I rarely have a hard time telling people that I love them or care about them.
  5. I’m good at expressing affection.
  6. I’m a pretty affectionate person.
  7. I love giving people hugs or putting my arms around them.
  8. I tend to express affection to other people quite often.
  9. Anyone who knows me well would say I’m pretty affectionate.
  10. Expressing affection to other people makes me happy.

Add your scores together when you’re done. Your total should range from 10 to 70. Here's a brief look at what your score means:

Less than 30
You're someone who isn't overly expressive of affection. That doesn't mean you don't feel love and appreciation for those you're close to -- it means you find other ways of showing it instead of kissing, hugging, and saying "I love you." Overt affectionate behaviors, especially in public, can make you uncomfortable. At times, however, people can mistake your lack of expressiveness as a lack of care.

30 to 50
You are comfortable expressing affection to people most of the time when you feel it. Affectionate behavior doesn't feel unnatural or forced for you, but neither do you feel you cannot be "affectionate enough." You easily receive and reciprocate expressions of affection from others and yet you recognize that there is a time and place for affectionate behavior.

More than 50
You are a highly affectionate person. You communicate your feelings of affection to others freely and openly. Being affectionate is a part of who you are; it is as much a need as a preference. You are aware of how giving and receiving affection makes you feel, and you may have had moments when you've wondered if it was possible to have enough affection in your life.

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Diane Boudreau