CAP scientist receives national award

Anthony J. Brazel,a long-time CAP scientist and Arizona State University professor emeritus in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, has been awarded the 2013 Helmet E. Landsberg Award from the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the leading professional society in the US for atmospheric scientists. The AMS gives this award to an individual or team for exemplary contributions to the fields of urban meteorology, climatology, or hydrology and recognizes Brazel's significant contributions to the study of urban heat islands, using the Phoenix metropolitan area/CAP study area as a research site. Under Brazel's scholarship and leadership, ASU has become one of the leading centers in the United States for research in urban climatology, which has been an enduring theme in CAP research. Brazel has also collaborated with Gordon Heisler at the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) LTER site to produce research on comparative urban climatology. More