The Central Arizona Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research Project (CAP LTER) is conducting a nest site study of the various birds of prey (raptors) that choose to nest in and around the Phoenix metropolitan area during spring 2012. In order to locate as many of these nest sites as possible, we need the assistance of colleagues and community members.
We are interested in understanding which species are choosing to nest in this area, their spatial distribution, the structures they choose for nest sites, and the physical characteristics of these nest structures. This survey is purely observational and will not result in any disturbance to the nesting birds.
If, now that the breeding season is underway you notice nesting raptors in your area, please e-mail (or phone 480-727-7860) the following information to
- Description of the nest location (directions, cross streets, GPS coordinates)
- Nest structure (cactus, tree, cliffs, building, etc)
- Bird species (if known)
- Any additional information that may help us locate the nest site in order to survey the location
Please pass on this request to any other friends or colleagues who might be interested in assisting this initiative.