Water consumption: How low can you go?

David Sampson, PhD will challenge the audience with questions regarding the amount of water we use for everyday activities and discuss the tradeoffs in water-reduction management, as well as compare conservation measures to traditional and new approaches to demand management. The Sustainability Presentation will be held on September 30, 2011 from 12:00-1:30pm in Wrigley Hall 481.

David is a research scientist and systems modeler working on DCDC's signature water simulation model, WaterSim. This model has been implemented for the Central Arizona region and used primarily in four ways: (1) Understand the dynamic nature of managing a complex water supply and demand system for urban regions; (2) Explore the effectiveness of various water management policies; (3) Explore the uncertainty of regional growth and climate change by understanding the impact different growth and climate change scenarios may have on the region’s complex water system and management policies; (4) Explore how people make decisions for highly complex problems that are subject to high uncertainty.

This event is part of ASU's "No Impact Week," a week-long series of events and experiments in low-carbon living and is co-sponsored with ASU's Global Institute of Sustainability.