Green Team: Holdin’ it down at ASU

Green Team is a volunteer force that focuses on improving recycling at events and working towards achieving “zero waste." Before the event takes place, we work with event planners to minimize the waste at an event and to ensure that as much as possible of the waste stream is recyclable. At the events, Green Team members talk to attendees to educate them about what can be recycled and to show that recycling is actually extremely simple.

Green Team is a part of the Center for Student Sustainability Initiatives, a student run organization that works to support student sustainability initiatives on the ASU campuses.

While Green Team membership is currently primarily students, all members of the ASU community are welcome to join Green Team. We welcome all faculty and staff to come out and join us at any of our events- we could always use more help!

If you would like to join Green Team, email [email protected]. There is no application or requirements, and Green Team members are just encouraged to help at as many events as possible.

Green Team members get one of our awesome Green Team shirts for volunteering at an event.

We also welcome groups such as Greek Life or student clubs to come out and join us for an event, especially if they are looking for community service hours.

By Alex Davis