ASU’s Graphic Information Solutions granted FSC certification

Graphics Information Solutions (GIS), Arizona State University’s Education and Production print laboratory, has announced that it has achieved Certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). “We are proud to have reached this milestone, continuing our commitment to sustainability in all activities” said Mike Chiricuzio, Director of GIS, adding “Catherine Skoglund and the GIS Team have once again shown the initiative and leadership that keeps our program on the leading edge.”

GIS invested significant time and over $10,000 in financial resources in this effort, following the overall ASU goal of sustainability as stated by Arizona State University President, Michael M. Crow, “Sustainability is the simple idea that, as human beings, we place a high value on our own quality of life and that of future generations. To be sustainable, our actions must reflect what is important to us – qualities such as clean air, clean water, health, security and prosperity.”

Catherine Skoglund, Manager of Operations and Business Development at GIS notes several key milestones and accomplishments in this effort, “We were certified by Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) on July 23, 2008 and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified on July 25, 2008” adding “ASU Stationery products will proudly carry the message of our certification with the addition of the FSC logo to our ASU watermark on our papers, which are now printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.”

Dr. Thomas Schildgen, Chair for the Department of Technology Management at ASU is the driving force behind this and all other accomplishments of GIS. Dr. Schildgen comments “The GIS program is yet another example of ASU’s growth as a New American University. GIS is totally self-funded through the provision of business systems print production exclusively for ASU internal clients while providing a hands-on laboratory for students, faculty and staff of the Graphics Communication program.”

Mike Chiricuzio
Director, Graphic Information Solutions